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Thursday, May 19, 2011

making him responsible for your happiness:)

out of the dark ages? not yet…

It’s true that, in ancient times, a woman’s survival depended on her ability to attract a man who would provide for her. Today, however, women have many more options.

We no longer live in the dark ages, but thousands of years of evolution and cultural conditioning are proving difficult to eliminate overnight.

So, even in this enlightened day and age, you’ll find women all over the globe, who are desperate to find a man to “complete” them, and provide for them.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a mate, someone you can spend a lifetime with. It can be wonderful to have someone to love, hold and cherish.

The problem arises when you start depending on your mate to help you heal your childhood wounds, and make you happy or whole. That’s your therapist/healer’s job, not his.

No one but you, has the power to make you happy. When you give that power over to someone else, when you look outside of yourself for love and acceptance, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

Do not expect anyone else to be responsible for your happiness. Being happy is your own job and you are the only person that can do it. Too often relationships fail because someone is unhappy and blames their partner for making them that way.

The truth is that no one has the ability to make another person happy, but often we can share in another’s happiness. Make yourself happy first, and then share your happiness with your partner.

Expecting too much from your mate, and making him responsible for your happiness, is destructive to your relationship. Not even a saint can live up to that sort of expectation.

sacrifice is not the solution. .

Beware, if your man actually wants that you depend on him for everything, and urges you to give up your interests, hobbies or career to take care of him and his needs
..These men are usually extremely insecure, and afraid of women who are strong, independent, and likely to leave them if they behave badly.Every woman deserves to have a fulfilling life of her own, and an identity beyond being a housewife and mother.
When you give up things that fulfil you and nurture your spirit, for someone else’s demands,you’re setting yourself up for heartbreak, frustration, disillusionment and disappointment.A healthy relationship is based on compromise, not sacrifice. Women who choose to sacrifice their happiness for others usually end up as bitter, negative and nagging.

Choosing to take responsibility for your own needs will not only take the pressure off your relationship, but help you realise your self-worth as a person..

what if he’s abusive?

But what about an abusive relationship, you ask? Isn’t he the one who’s perpetrating the abuse and making you unhappy?

Yes, but, in a relationship between two adults, the only reason he can do that to you is because you let him. As a grown woman, you’re an intelligent, thinking human being, with the power to make your own choices.

If, at the first instance of abuse, you don’t walk out, or report an abusive man to the authorities, you’re teaching him that you’ll stay with him and tolerate his behaviour, no matter how he treats you or makes you feel.

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